Home / Place#1050


Map , HK island , Hong Kong East
{{((over_all_rating)*2).toFixed(1)}} ({{comment_count}}) | 3 bookmarked
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Dollar HK$ 45/person/hr
Feet 1000 sq.ft.
People 30 Standees
Chair 18 Seats

About the place

  • "Filming / Party / Party / Exhibition Rent

    Regular RENTAL $450 per hour per hour
    Commercial shooting: $580 per hour per hour
    *If the timeout exceeds 15 minutes, it will be counted as 1 hour EXTRA
    Minimum Book: 3 hours or more

    - The venue area includes: kitchen, punch card decorative wall, home sofa tatami scene, painting exhibition wall
    - The sense of space can provide a good lighting multi-purpose shooting location
    - There is an oven in the kitchen location for baking, as well as a cooking stove for use
    - Newly refurbished, 1,000 sq. ft
    - Separate toilet

    *Baking classrooms, venue decorations, or dessert orders are also available, welcome to inquire about quotations
    *The staff will open the doors early on time and will also hand over the venue at the end
    *In case of any damage or loss, the renter will be responsible
    * Never stick anything on the wall with adhesive paper
    *If you need to cook food and need us to help clean it, the cleaning fee is $500"

Entertainment Facility

Board/Card Games

Food & Beverage

Can Bring Food

Operation & Design

Book in Advance
Private Restroom
Ancillary Carpark

AV Equipments

Blue-tooth Player
Lighting Facility

Seating Arrangement

Classroom 10
Conference 18

Map & Location

Address: 12 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong


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Communication / Service
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District / Location
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Equipment / Facilities
Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating
Overall Quality
Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating
Reasonable Price
Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating

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